Thursday, September 15, 2011

New motto

New motto I have placed on the wall above my desk at work:

Truly experience all things that you do during your day. Try to escape the habitual feelings and thoughts you experience and stay in the present moment. Enjoy each of your actions fully.

dear Universe

Back, in body, on Sunday from a 10-day road-trip with my gorgeous man, I feel I may still be “there” in mind and spirit.
“There” being:
…on the road
…riding my bike down the beautiful trails of Whistler mountain
…sipping on beautiful wines at the Okanagan’s best wineries
…waking up in sleeping bags in the back of the truck
…camping on mountain tops
…cooking up gourmet foods in parking lots
…lying on the beach
…admiring the changing landscapes and forests
…bathing in lakes
…having no access to FB, email, Internet, or news
…driving with no music, just conversation
…looking for Ogopogo
…sitting fireside, enjoying its warmth, next to my best friend
Another dream vacation this was. If I won the lottery, I would simply do trips like this more often. Visiting places I have not been before gives me such a profound sense of pleasure. Even if that place is a restaurant in my own city, or a small town in Spain, or a beach in the Okanagan Valley. While my life is filled with plenty of adventure – I would love more of these trips please, dear Universe.