The name Tootie comes from an old boyfriend. We were trying to come up with a nickname for me for MSN chat or something like that and I recall it struck him in the most obvious sort of fashion … tootie fruity! He said: You’re so gay and fruity-like that your nickname must be that! Tootie, 5 years later, has I am in many instances still called by my brother, sister-in-law and current boyfriend, has also become a major adjective in our household. To describe places and things that are my style: Tootie hill. Tootie shop. Tootie bike. Tootie hat. Tootie shoes. Sometimes even potential friends are described as being pretty Tootie. Verbs are also frequently described using the term as well: Tootie run. Tootie ride. Tootie hike.
When asked for input (on my identity, basically), Logan brought my attention to an excerpt I read to him once from the book Eat, Pray, Love. There is a character in the book by the name of Tutti (which we learned means everyone in Italian). He thinks that we could view my nickname in this light as well. Logan explained Tootie as synonymous for carefree. Everyone, he explained, feels a little Tootie sometimes hence the need, every now and then, for a Tootie hike – (which would translate into one of a carefree and leisure nature).
The name gusts of gratitude came to me atop a mountain last weekend. That’s where gusts of gratitude usually wash over me – like tidal waves no less. Well – anywhere in nature for that matter, or anytime I’m riding my bike, or anytime I’m eating a delectable meal, or anytime I’m surrounded by friends. Okay, okay. So gusts of gratitude wash over me quite frequently but I believe that’s why I’m a happy person. And – I’m not a fake happy person, I’m a bona fide lover of life! At times, these gusts so profoundly bliss me the eff out that all I can do is simply breathe, smile and be thankful. I am a being who is constantly in amazement at the smoothness and flow of life. I wonder sometimes if I always had such a positive outlook, but I just can't remember. More likely though, I believe it’s a way of life I’ve learned, that I've taught myself through experience and appreciation and acceptance. Life has treated me very nicely. I’m uber healthy, a roof has always been over my head and my tummy filled with food, love surrounds me, and the universe pretty much always presents me with what I ask for. I like learning the intended lesson. I like simple living, and simply living. And I think that's pretty much what it all boils down to!
With gratitude (on Thanksgiving weekend no less!)...
Oh yeah... this message is just pure goodness. :) I love this post and would like to join you in expressing my gratitude as well. Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo